What Is Bounce Rate and Dwell Time?

Aizal Lohmann
Founder & Ceo

In the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, the two metrics that are pivotal in assessing website effectiveness are bounce rate and dwell time. These metrics offer valuable insights into how users interact with your website and can help you make data-driven decisions to optimise your online presence. 

This comprehensive guide will discuss the bounce rate and dwell time. 

Keep on reading.

The User's Journey: Exploring Bounce Rate and Dwell Time

Before diving into the details of bounce rate and dwell time, let's take a moment to consider the user's journey through the vast expanse of the internet. 

Imagine you're looking for information and initiate a web search. You eagerly click on the promising first result, hoping to find answers to your query. However, sometimes, the content on that page doesn't align with your expectations or fails to provide the information you sought. 

In such cases, you hit the back button and return to the search results to explore other options. This seemingly routine act is a critical component of dwell time.

Understanding Dwell Time

Dwell time is a metric often unnoticed but holds immense significance in SEO and digital marketing. In its simplest form, dwell time represents a user's time analysing a web page before returning to the search results. When a user clicks on a search engine results page (SERP) listing and then lingers on the page before either clicking back to the SERP or exiting the page, that time contributes to the dwell time metric.

Now, dwell time differs from bounce rate-another essential metric. Bounce rate measures what happens when a user clicks on a page and promptly leaves without exploring further. A high bounce rate indicates that the user did not find what they were looking for or had a less-than-ideal experience on the page. Conversely, dwell time reflects a deeper level of engagement where users spend more time-consuming content before deciding to stay or leave.

For example, picture a scenario where you write a blog article titled "Social Media Tips and Tricks." Initially, you notice a high click-through rate, which suggests that users are interested in your content. However, upon closer examination, you discover that your article has a low dwell time. This discrepancy raises a red flag.

It suggests that while your content attracted clicks, it failed to meet users' expectations or provide the comprehensive information they sought. Consequently, most readers opted to return to the SERP in search of a more suitable source. Dwell time can act as a revealing mirror, reflecting whether your web pages align with user intent.

Moreover, dwell time can provide valuable insights into improving user experience (UX). For instance, if your web page has a sluggish loading time, you may notice a corresponding drop in dwell time metrics. Users are more likely to exit a page if it takes too long to load, underscoring the importance of optimising page speed.

Calculating Dwell Time

Now that we understand dwell time let's investigate how it is calculated. Google Analytics provides a valuable tool for measuring dwell time through the "Average Session Duration" metric. This metric reveals how long, on average, visitors typically stay on a website. It is calculated by taking the total duration of all sessions (or visits) in seconds and dividing it by the total number of sessions.

A session begins when a user lands on a website and ends after 30 minutes of inactivity or when the user leaves the site. The 30-minute inactivity threshold ensures accurate metrics without inflating numbers with extended periods of inactivity.

To access dwell time data in Google Analytics, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Google Analytics: When you log in to your Google Analytics account, you'll find "Average Session Duration" displayed on the homepage, providing an overview of the average dwell time for the accounts you are tracking.
  2. Analyse Dwell Time for Specific Pages: If you wish to examine dwell time for individual landing pages or blog posts, navigate to the "Behavior" section on the left side of the screen and select "Site Content" followed by "Landing Pages." Here, the dwell time is displayed as "Average Session Duration" in the table.

It's important to note that while "Average Session Duration" can provide insights into dwell time, they are not identical metrics. Dwell time originates explicitly from the SERPs, whereas "Average Session Duration" might encompass a user's time-on-page after arriving from another landing page, a social media page, or clicking on an email link. To isolate dwell time from organic search results, you can add a segment for "Organic Traffic" in Google Analytics.

Benchmarking Dwell Time

Now that we've explored how to calculate dwell time, let's establish a benchmark for a "good" average session duration. Industry standards for average dwell time typically fall between 2-4 minutes. This timeframe allows users to explore a website, engage with its content, and understand its design and offerings.

To discover industry-specific benchmarks for dwell time in Google Analytics, follow these steps:

  1. Access Benchmark Data: In Google Analytics, navigate to the "Audiences" section and select "Benchmarking" on the left side of the screen.
  2. Choose Your Benchmark Criteria: Decide whether you want to view industry standards across devices, channels, or locations. Let's focus on the industry standard for "Business & Industrial" across devices for our discussion.
  3. Analyse the Data: Examining the benchmark data, you'll find that most businesses tend to have an average session duration between 2-3 minutes.

While these benchmarks provide a helpful reference point, it's important to remember that excessively long or extremely short dwell times are relatively rare. In most cases, average session durations falling within the 2-4 minute range indicate a well-performing website. However, it's essential to assess all metrics comprehensively to understand your site's performance better.

Enhancing Dwell Time: Strategies for Improvement

A low dwell time signals that users who click on your website after a Google search are left dissatisfied for various reasons. It could be that your content does not align with their intent, or the user experience falls short of expectations. 

Fortunately, there are several strategies to combat this and enhance dwell time:

Align Your Introduction with User Intent and Optimise UX

Begin by evaluating the introduction and user experience at the top of your page. Ensure that your introduction is easy to navigate and effectively outlines what the reader can expect to find on the page. A clear introduction, possibly accompanied by a table of contents or concise paragraphs and bullet points, can make your content more digestible.

Content quality matters significantly. A low dwell time may result from an introduction that is confusing or takes too long to get to the point. Additionally, your content should closely match the user's intent—Analyse high-ranking SERP articles to understand why users search for a particular topic and tailor your content accordingly.

For instance, review the introduction if your article, "How to Delete a Theme in WordPress," has a low dwell time. If it focuses on why WordPress is a good web hosting solution rather than addressing the user's specific query about theme deletion, it's likely contributing to the low dwell time.

Optimise Page Speed and User Experience

A crucial factor influencing dwell time is page loading time. Slow-loading pages can deter users, leading to premature exits. To improve dwell time, ensure your web pages load quickly and efficiently across various browsers and devices. Prioritise mobile optimisation, as a low dwell time on mobile devices, can impact overall dwell time metrics.

Implement best practices for page speed optimisation, including image compression and web page caching. By delivering a fast and responsive user experience, you can reduce the likelihood of users abandoning your page due to slow loading times.

Implement Effective Internal Linking

Dwell time is fundamentally about how long users stay on a page before returning to the SERPs. One effective strategy for prolonging user engagement on your site is to incorporate internal linking. By strategically placing links to other relevant blog posts or landing pages, you can encourage users to explore additional content on your website.

Follow sound link-building practices to create a structured internal linking system that enhances search engine visibility and user experience. Ensure that the linked content is directly relevant to the topic at hand. 

For example, a blog post about social media should link to other posts about specific social media platforms, not unrelated topics like website development.

Integrate Multimedia Elements

A continuous stream of text can overwhelm some readers. Consider breaking up your content by incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, podcasts, images, and infographics to maintain user interest and prolong dwell time. These elements make your content more engaging and cater to diverse learning styles and preferences.

Moreover, embedding multimedia elements can drive traffic to other types of content, such as YouTube videos or podcast episodes, potentially expanding your audience across different platforms.


Bounce rate and dwell time are invaluable metrics that shed light on user behaviour and website performance. While bounce rate focuses on users who leave a page shortly after arriving, dwell time offers insights into deeper engagement as users explore content before deciding to stay or leave. 

Understanding these metrics and their implications can empower digital marketers to refine their strategies, enhance user experience, and create content that truly resonates with their audience.

By calculating dwell time through tools like Google Analytics, benchmarking against industry standards, and implementing strategies to improve it, businesses and website owners can boost their online presence and provide a more compelling and valuable experience for their users. 

Aizal Lohmann

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